The Post Graduate Diploma in Science Education (PGDTE) offers academics, at different stages of their career, opportunities to review and improve their teaching skills and understanding of approaches and theories in effective university education. Academics at the start of their careers shall develop the skills to work effectively in the classroom and learn to draw on pedagogical theory in informing their teaching.
This programme will be delivered entirely online during the period of your study and each course will consist of you having to complete assigned readings, watch short videos and actively engage with peers through discussion forums and "live" video/audio/text communication.
During your online and self study, you may come across concepts and/or ideas that may not be easy to understand or that may not be clearly explained. You need to consult with your peers and tutors. Planned Face-to-Face tutorial sessions may also be scheduled where you are not expected to be lectured as the time will not allow. Prepare for such tutorials by bringing all questions and answers you may have found during your personalised learning experiences.
Make the best use of your learning materials, your time, and tutors whom you can access via email and other web2.0 technologies.