Cyberbullying Awareness

cbCyberbullying awareness refers to the effort to educate people about the dangers and impacts of cyberbullying, and how to prevent it.

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. It can happen through social media, messaging apps, gaming platforms, and even email. It involves repeated, aggressive behaviour aimed at scaring, angering, or shaming someone.

Here's a breakdown of what cyberbullying is:

  • Delivery Method: It happens online, using digital devices.
  • Platforms: It can occur on social media, messaging apps, gaming platforms, email, and online forums.
  • Behaviour: It involves repeated, mean-spirited actions intended to hurt someone emotionally.
  • Goal: The goal is to scare, anger, or humiliate the victim.

Some examples of cyberbullying include:

  • Sending mean or threatening messages
  • Posting embarrassing photos or videos of someone online without their permission
  • Spreading rumours about someone online
  • Excluding someone from online groups or activities
  • Impersonating someone online to make them look bad

It's about creating a collective understanding of this issue, particularly its:

  • Prevalence: Highlighting how common cyberbullying is and dispelling any misconceptions that it's less serious than traditional bullying.
  • Impact: Raising awareness about the severe emotional and psychological consequences cyberbullying can have on victims.
  • Forms: Educating people on the various forms cyberbullying can take, from texting and social media to online gaming and forums.
  • Bystander Intervention: Empowering individuals to recognize and report cyberbullying, even if they aren't the direct target.