Geographical Techniques I (GG151) is a first level ‘skills’ (ie hands on/practical) course   which aims at equipping Part I Bachelor of Science General and Honours - Geography students with the relevant geographical skills which are indispensible in their work. It is a compulsory course that is examined entirely by continuous assessment. The final grade is an average of a minimum of ten written exercises/tests. The in-class exercises, tests  and assignments are based on map interpretation and cartographic skills which form the bases for other future geographical techniques courses including Geographical Techniques II (GG152), Geographical Techniques III (GG251) and Geographical Techniques IV (GG252), and Geographical Techniques V (GG351) through the degree programme. The course also forms a firm foundation of geo-technical course: GG319 - Introduction to Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems. Being a skills course (the art of doing something well), basically focuses on identification of geographical sources of data and their representation, hence, fieldwork, use of maps and manipulation of statistical data is core. The course is structured in a way that the concepts involved in the techniques are explained and demonstrated in the practical activities that are covered. This is punctuated by a takeaway or in-class activity in each chapter. A module for the course is provided with exercises that are to be covered.