eLearning concepts and development


(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
eLearning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. The information and communication systems, whether networked or not, serve as specific media to implement the learning process. The term will still most likely be utilized to reference out-of-classroom and in-classroom educational experiences via technology, even as advances continue in regard to devices and curriculum.
eLearning is essentially the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. eLearning applications and processes include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classroom opportunities and digital collaboration. Content is delivered via the Internet, intranet/extranet, audio or video tape, satellite TV, and CD-ROM. It can be self-paced or instructor-led and includes media in the form of text, image, animation, streaming video and audio.
Abbreviations like CBT (Computer-Based Training), IBT (Internet-Based Training) or WBT (Web-Based Training) have been used as synonyms to e-learning. Today one can still find these terms being used, along with variations of eLearning such as e-learning, Elearning, and E-learning.

eLearning 2.0

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
The term eLearning2.0 is a neologism that came about during the emergence of Web 2.0 From an eLearning2.0 perspective, conventional eLearningsystems were based on instructional packets, which were delivered to students using assignments. Assignments were evaluated by the teacher. In contrast, the new eLearningplaces increased emphasis on social learning and use of social software such as blogs, wikis, podcasts and virtual worlds such as Second Life (http://secondlife.com/).

Openness is the only means of doing education, David Wiley - 03/06/10

Open Learning

UNESCO defines open learning as “instructional systems in which many facets of the learning process are under the control of the learner. It attempts to deliver learning opportunities where, when, and how the learner needs them.”
While open learning represents a continuum rather than an absolute state, it generally accommodates several of the following characteristics:

  • delivery models that respect the learner’s needs
  • open admission
  • uncapped admission and enrolment
  • learner choice on program curriculum makeup
  • accommodation of different learning styles
  • recognition of prior formal and non-formal learning
  • credit coordination
  • low on-site and institution-specific residency requirements
  • minimal formal course prerequisites
  • continuous enrolment
  • self-pacing

Open learning need not be distance learning

Distance Education

"an educational process and system in which all or a significant proportion of the teaching is carried out by someone or something removed in space and time from the learner. Distance education requires structured planning, well-designed courses special instructional techniques and methods of communication by electronic and other technology, as well as specific organizational and administrative arrangements.
Distance Learning - a system and a process that connects learners to distributed learning resources. Distance learning can take a variety of forms, all distance learning, however, is characterized by:

    • separation/distance of place and/or time between instructor and learner, amongst learners, and/or between learners and learning resources; and
    • interaction between the learner and the instructor, among learners and/or between learners and learning resources conducted through one or more media.

All distance learning need not be open learning

Open and Distance Learning (ODL)

A learning system that combines open learning characteristics with distance delivery.
Developing Pedagogical and technical eLearningskills for teachers
New technologies clearly provide exciting opportunities for enhancement and innovation on the campus. Over the past few years, education has been affected by rapid developments in the use of ICT. The early concentration on infrastructure has given way to a focus on pedagogy, and on connecting electronic communications with other processes, in a new blend of approaches to learning and teaching. This change matches the developments in pedagogy and the increasing need to support diversity and flexibility in higher education.
The innovation of teaching in higher education can be seen clearly benefited from the integration of new technologies to enhance teaching and develop self-study skills in students.
A primary goal is to develop skills, knowledge and abilities among teachers of the University to serve as teachers in classroom based or Face-to-Face, distance or blended approaches assisted by new technologies.
The working methodology included a mix of face lectures, workshops, online courses, distance learning and tutorial support, customized group or individual support meetings to produce courses with engaging content and learning activities in the perspective of better learning outcomes among students.
We will strengthen the integration of other learning activities such as questionnaires and scheduled tasks, use of animations, videos and tutorials and the inclusion of Open Courseware (OCW) from other universities.
The key success indicators of the e-Learning component of this project are the number of trained teachers, the number virtualized courses and the number of participating students.

Virtual universities

‘Virtual university’ is a term used to describe several different types of university which offer their courses in eLearning format.
The term ‘virtual university’ sometimes means a university which exists only virtually, and where no physical contact or meeting place exists. However, there are different organisational models for virtual universities;

  • Internet portals that direct their visitors to eLearningcourses offered by any of several different universities,
  • consortia of universities that offer their eLearningcourses jointly, and
  • individual universities whose courses are held on a virtual campus instead of a physical one.

Some universities with a physical campus are also developing virtual counterparts comprising a virtual campus that offers courses in eLearningformat. (Virtual Models of European Universities http://www.elearningeuropa.info/extras/pdf/virtual_models.pdf)

As the higher education community has moved to adopt ICT to support the teaching and learning function and as an international marketplace appears to be taking shape, four main institutional models for ‘Virtual university’ has begun to emerge:

  • a newly created institution operating as a virtual university;
  • an evolution of an existing institution, with a unit or arm offering virtual education;
  • a consortium of partners constituted to develop and/or offer virtual education;
  • a commercial enterprise offering online education.

(The Virtual University Models and messages Lessons from case studies. Susan D'Antoni, editor, http://www.unesco.org/iiep/virtualuniversity/home.php)

Last modified: Monday, 28 October 2013, 11:07 PM